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Everyday life that cures




From September 6 to 12, courtesy of Rai per il Sociale, we aired the social communication spot we made for CasaOz on TV and radio channels and in Rai's social web spaces. Together with the children, parents and educators of CasaOz, we explained the non-profit organization's work, highlighting the concept of everyday life that cares, which has always distinguished the Association's commitment and mission.

“When you enter CasaOz for the first time, you feel like you're in a warm and welcoming environment. You go back a second time, and you already feel at home. Making this video was an important experience for me. I wanted to tell the reality of CasaOz as truthfully as possible, but with serene and light tones, because this is the language you breathe inside CasaOz. Mounting the video on Luciana Littizzetto's voice then made it even easier. CasaOz is everydayness that cures, and I can only confirm that.”