Creo AI Contest 2.0
Last year, we held our first contest, in which all the agency's employees tried their hand at using AI, some for the first time. Since then, things have changed: Midjourney is now a commonly used tool in Creo and is used to support creativity by different roles within the agency.
For this second edition of Creo's most popular challenge, we made things even more exciting and chose a theme: oxymorons.
But how do you explain an oxymoron to artificial intelligence? First, you need to have a clear idea. Once you have chosen the concept to be represented, you have to find the right words to describe it and translate it into a prompt that is understandable to Midjourney. At this point, the work of refinement and collaboration with the AI begins, leading to the final output.
26 participants, 48 submissions: 15 are the selected works that will become part of the new Creostudios collection and can be enjoyed by customers and visitors to our headquarters in Via Perrone 3.
We are excited to announce that Creostudios is available to organise stimulating workshops on the use of AI: Artistic Intelligence. These workshops are an opportunity to understand how these new technologies can be integrated into the creative process and to become aware of the positive contribution they can bring. We are ready to share our expertise and best practices to help you explore the potential of AI and apply it successfully in your industry.